At first, sorry for taking so long time to reply you. you know la, my English very terhad, need more times to make it in nicer way, try my best to avoid misunderstanding.
For the "OK issue", maybe from your view it may come across as hurtful to you, but for me, it's simply a response without any emotional impact. That's why I feel confuse, and funny when you were making negative assumptions about me based on these two letters. I know that capital letter will seems impolite in messages, and I think I never use it in rude way in texting. The OK is really just a auto capital phrase in my keyboard and I never realized it. Thanks for letting me know.
I don't know the person who capture the conversation for you is upon what purpose, because we never talk anything bad about you, plus we already close the topic and never say anything about it after that. These are personal messages between Natasha and me, and I believe there shouldn't be any concerns about the topics or individuals we discuss.
I don't think this is a matter which need to take out and discuss. In me and Natasha messages, it just turn my not-good mood into laughter at the end, and then close case. Our work already very exhausted every day, so I don't always think the things into complicated way to make myself more frustrated. That's why sometimes I will careless or offend people but I really didn't mean to.
I'm still ❤️ you and you're always a very good role model for me since I join MBB. (Sometimes I feel like I'm the kindy who always need you tune me, haha)
Lastly, the bubble wrap already in my bag. I bring it today also but forget to take it out.